Learning to Use
Google Drive
Below is information on how to use and navigate Google Drive. As a CUI affiliate, you have Unlimited storage through you university GSuite account. Be sure to take advantage of that to keep your files backed up and safe. Using Google Drive through you GSuite account is not only a good place to store everything, you can also store sensitive data here and it will be kept safe and private.
Below is information on how to use and navigate Google Drive. As a CUI affiliate, you have Unlimited storage through you university GSuite account. Be sure to take advantage of that to keep your files backed up and safe. Using Google Drive through you GSuite account is not only a good place to store everything, you can also store sensitive data here and it will be kept safe and private.
*To view the linked content below through Hoonuit, use your E# and password (same one used for your Email account)*
**If you have trouble accessing the Hoonuit Modules below, please try clearing you cache. With continued issues feel free to contact us, referencing your Hoonuit issues**
G Suite Integration
G Suite Integration
Mobile Google Drive
Mobile Google Drive